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We are not blocking traffic, We ARE Traffic



I'm using the Critical Mass slogan for this. Today at 3 in the afternoon a team of students broke into the Biggest Greek TV and media broadcasting channel, NET to protest against the Goebbels style propaganda many channels are following to reverse and revert people's feelings of anger and rage that started on 6 December because of the MURDER of young Alexandros Grigoropoulos by right wing policeman. 

The team of young students carried banners saying: "STOP LOOKING, GET OUT ON THE STREETS" and messages of solidarity to  youngsters that have been imprisoned in protests for the murder.

Alexis murder as a result of paranoid police brutality has exploded a tremendous wave of anger that has been developed throughout the last decades. No matter what weapons they use (real weapons, like the one that killed the 16 year old child, or less real, like propaganda and disinformation) they can't hide people's anger for the completely incompetent and indescribable governments of the last decades. 

Listen to the youngsters. Don't only listen to what the police and the incompetent politicians are telling you from the mass media.

Don't let conservative extra rich old men from their fancy offices discuss about your problems, without asking you at all! Don't listen to all the hypocrits saying "I don't understand all this violence, where it comes from". Don't be a passive receptop of whatever bullshit and crap the government, the mass media and the police is telling you. 

 Athens Indymedia Coverage  for the break in.



Image copied from http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/12/2008_greek_riots.html . There are some amazing photos over there.

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